Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Rather than wasting any more time and effort on business and marketing tactics that aren’t streamlined or attracting enough of the right kind of clients to your business, it’s time to take control. Melody provides consulting to both new and existing businesses one on one to provide simplified marketing and business support. Her consulting and mentorship is based on pre-scheduled meetings (via phone) either once-off, weekly or monthly. Regular support could be reviewing current processes in place and how they can be streamlined, pricing, reviewing the tech you are using in your business and assistance with strengthening your business through strategic marketing.
Before booking a consulting package please book in for a FREE 20 min free pre-mentorship meeting with Melody to assess if we are a good fit.
"NO buzz words, NO jargon, Just good old communication, let's start your online JOURNEY"
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