Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Step 1: Go to our link: using an incognito browser.
Step 2: Click "Create an Account".
Step 3: Create your username and password. Then click the "Create Account" button.
Step 4:
Once logged in, navigate to
Account Settings and select
Delegate Access.
Step 5: In the "Accounts I can access section", click on + Request Access.
Step 6: Enter Melody Jaimon in the name section and her email, then choose Domains Only as the access type. Then click the Request button.
Step 7: Wait for Melody to approve your request.
Step 8: Once approved, you'll receive an email from our team confirming your management access to your domain.
Step 9: Login to your account. Then go to Account Settings and select Delegate Access. In the "Accounts I can access" section, you should see “MelodyJaimon, Access Level: Domains Only,” then click the Access Now button to manage your domain directly.
Website Design - designed for your audience and to be found on Google Searches
SEO - unlock relevant and increased SEO traffic.
Paid Media - effective paid strategies with a clear ROI.
Love My Online Marketing has 10+ Years of working alongside businesses and helping them grow. Discuss your options for online success from website Design and Development through to Google Marketing. Book a Free 20min Discovery Call.
Love My Online Marketing is determined to make a business grow. Our only question is, will it be yours?
All Rights Reserved | Love My Online Marketing Pty Ltd. I ABN 58 627 183 037