Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
If you own a business, whether it's a physical store or an online one, having a presence on Google search can help you increase visibility, drive more traffic, and build brand awareness. However, creating and optimising these accounts can be a daunting task, especially for small businesses that are already preoccupied with running day-to-day operations.
In such cases, it's recommended to hire a digital marketing agency that specialises in setting up and optimising these accounts to maximise your online presence. By entrusting these responsibilities to an agency, you can leverage their expertise to ensure that your business is visible to your target audience and that your online presence is consistent, engaging, and up-to-date.
The agency can manage your Google Business Profile, ensuring that they are updated with relevant content, accurate information, and engaging posts. Additionally, the agency can help you create, monitor, and refine advertising campaigns, targeting the right audience and maximising the impact of your ads.
In this blog post, we will provide you with detailed guidance on how to add a digital marketing agency to both Google Business Profile to unlock the full potential of this platform.
Google Business Profile is a service offered by Google that enables you to create, manage, and promote your local business. It allows you to build your brand by managing your company's online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. You can create a profile page and add photos of your business to your listing, which will appear directly below paid ads for local searches.
You can also easily edit your profile information, such as the hours of operation and location address. Additionally, the service provides customer feedback and reviews related to your business.
If you are working with a digital marketing agency, it may be helpful to add them as a "Manager" to your Google Business Profile account. This will give them access to update your business information, add photos of your business, and edit other details on your Google Business Profile page.
It's easy to add an agency as a manager to your Google Business Profile account via Google Search. Let's get started!
Step 1: To add an agency via Google Search, click the three dots icon on the upper right corner of your Google Business Profile's dashboard.
Step 2: Click Business Profile Settings
Step 3: Click Managers
Step 4: Click Add
Step 5: There will be a text field where you can type your agency's email address.
Step 6: Since you're going to add us, type
Step 7: Once you're done adding, press the Invite button.
Step 8: After pressing the Invite button, you should see at the bottom that the invite is pending. Now, all you have to do is wait for your agency to accept the invite and they'll finally be able to manage your GMB profile on your behalf.
Adding an agency to your Google Business Profile is a simple and efficient way for you to get the most out of your listing. The agency will only need a few pieces of information from you, which will keep the process quick and easy. You can then start building a successful business on Google platform without having to do it yourself.
For more tips, continue reading our blog below:
Website Design - designed for your audience and to be found on Google Searches
SEO - unlock relevant and increased SEO traffic.
Paid Media - effective paid strategies with a clear ROI.
Love My Online Marketing has 10+ Years of working alongside businesses and helping them grow. Discuss your options for online success from website Design and Development through to Google Marketing. Book a Free 20min Discovery Call.
Love My Online Marketing is determined to make a business grow. Our only question is, will it be yours?
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