Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500
The editor supports inline editing for your site, which speeds up your workflow. With the click of a button, you can quickly edit and access the options for any widget, column, or row.
Everything in the editor can be opened as a context menu. Right-click any widget or space in the editor to bring up the context menu.
If you are having difficulty selecting a container (column or row) in the editor, click a widget and click Select Container then select the Column or Row.
Click the alignment icons to align elements. You have the option of aligning to the left, centre, or right.
Click Clear Padding to remove extra space around columns or rows in your site. This is useful if you want to reduce the amount of space around your content.
You can copy and paste any widget or container anywhere on your site.
This only works on your site; you cannot copy widgets or containers and paste them on other sites.
To rearrange columns and rows, right-click them and then use the navigation arrows at the top of the context menu to rearrange them.
Drag widgets to another column or row in your site to rearrange them. When you click to drag, a blue box appears to indicate where it will be placed after you release your mouse.
When resizing elements in the same column, the editor tries to Snap to Align them so that they are all the same size. As you resize the widget, it will jump ahead or behind to snap to the location. This should make creating elements of the same size easier.
The Snap to Grid system can help you lay out elements in your website's pages with professional precision. Within columns and rows, you can align elements horizontally and vertically. When you move or resize an element in its row or column, rulers appear. A coloured border surrounds the aligned elements. Depending on the use case, an element may be aligned to more than one other element.
The views of the three different devices aid in alignment (desktop, tablet, mobile).
Most widgets and containers can be resized by hovering your mouse over them and interacting with the handles around the widget or container. To move an element, use the white handles to add margins, either vertical or horizontal. The element can be resized by using the blue handle in the lower right.
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